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Kingdom Destiny Homeschooling


As founder and director of Kingdom Destiny Home-schooling, my  background is in education. I began by teaching Sunday School,  then trained as a Special Education teacher. I have worked from  Prep to Year Twelve, looking after the ones who found school difficult. These children were identified in Prep before they had a  chance to know they were different and dumb down, feel lost or  develop unhelpful behaviours.  They may have had special needs  or be gifted and so we created individual programs and pathways for them which involved vocational education, traineeships, apprenticeships or gifted programs. We made sure that all  children had opportunities for work experience, traineeships and  apprenticeships, because an academic pathway is not for  everyone. And whatever pathway they chose, learning to work and have a job is always important.


Parents are key

When I was working full time in this area, I knew that the parents  of children, the most important people in a child’s life, needed  support, so I began monthly group meetings for them. I also  enrolled in a Masters of Counselling to better equip these  parents and others. My book “Stairway to Heaven” is a comprehensive answer to what are the important aspects to  consider in bringing up and educating children in today’s world.

If you are wanting to home-school but feeling overwhelmed, then  help is available. I provide a course for couples considering  marriage, and having a baby, mentoring to help parents get  started and become confident, and counselling for the deeper  issues you are concerned about. Buy my book and enrol for mentoring or counselling today.

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